Project Description

Member Profile

Willie De Vera

Member since 2005

It was quite natural for Willie to follow in his dad’s footsteps, having grown up accustomed to the night-time film developing sessions at their kitchen cum darkroom. Shooting professionally now, doing commissioned works, in addition to being a design artist, Willie began studying photography when he was 16. As hobbyist, he shoots just about anything that triggers his interest, partial as he is to a variety of subjects and serendipitous moments. As such, he doesn’t keep a bucket list but knows when an image is one for his books! When inspired, Willie likes to create the opportunity to shoot, especially for contests. Being immersed in photography for more than 40 years now, Willie doesn’t prescribe to the idea that his length of experience makes him the best photographer there is. He prefers to measure value, by the joy derived from the experience. Willie is former ZVCC President in 2009.