President’s Viewfinder

October 2023

by Angela Panlilio

Let’s keep our stride!!!

We’ve clocked in 9 monthly meetings, 3 of which are face to face, 6 via zoom. We stretched our judges choices to embrace diversity, new perspectives. We learned and hopefully provide some ‘aha’ moments. We mounted our golf tourney to a resounding success. It gifted us with a subsidized Bodyscape workshop enjoyed by members We cleared 1 OTS, 3 walks. In between , we had lots of impromptu ZVCC catch ups. Some were for informal learning and a lot just for simple camaraderie.

We grew as well. We embraced a record number of probees. It’s a first that we’ve had to put on hold our new member intake program. We wanted to care, nurture our current probee line up. The year went by so fast. If we were to collage our year In pictures, so far , I’d like to say, that it’s been colorful, varied and smile filled.

It’s not done yet though. We are gearing up for an epic Iloilo OTS with tons of surprises in store. This is something I am truly looking forward to!! First time to Iloilo!

After this, our last face to face on the 9th of November.  The the race is on…

On Dec 4, we reveal … and revel. A year end party to celebrate the year that was and to welcome the one to be!

Lastly, let’s welcome our incoming board members. Our 2024 incoming president, Leys Masangcay, our Vice President, Tony Rivera, our secretary, Arlene Donaire and Treasurer, Ruben Castor Ranin. Completing this 2024 team are Armi Yam, Billy Palatino, and Happy Milan.

We have an A team to turn over to! As ex-officio, I’ll soon be giving the floor to this new dream team and support from the side. So, yes, we are in stride and let’s keep it!

I’ll start my thank you to you all this month. For the support , the patience, the understanding and most of all for the participation!

For the remainder of the year, our battle cry, is still to EXHALE, ENGAGE, ENJOY. Our hope is that we bring this to you this 2023 and beyond.

Thank you.