The Body is a Wonderland

A Zone V Camera Club Bodyscape Workshop

by Leys Masangcay

A Bodyscape workshop and photo shoot was held exclusively for the members of Zone V Camera Club (ZVCC) last August 12 at Studio J2.0 conducted by master photographer, Mr. Ricky Ladia.

Bodyscape is a genre of photography and is defined as an artistic style where closeup photographs of the human form convey the impression of landscape.

During the workshop, Ricky Ladia talked about the basics of shooting bodyscape photographs along with the artistry, lighting techniques and the professional way of dealing with models. An intensive actual shoot followed using different lighting styles were applied to two professional female models.

A morning and afternoon session were held with a total of about 30 ZVCC members in attendance were able to have fun shooting various tasteful images that can be used for the Club’s September photo contest theme – you guessed it – Fine Art Bodyscape!

The workshop logistics and planning was spearheaded by Mac Omega together with Arlene Donaire. ZVCC partners onsite were Henry’s Cameras, CMJ Inc., Nanlite lights, Mr. James Ona of Studio J2.0 and chief Ricky Ladia.

Participants went home loaded with new knowledge (and photographs!) with senses filled to the brim knowing that the body is indeed a wonderland for capturing unconventional fine art images.

This is a Z Academy initiative of the Club wherein it supports the learning journey of its members in the various genre of photography. This session and event was made possible through a grant from the last ZVCC Golf Tournament.