The President’s Viewfinder

February 2023

by Angela Panlilio

Happy Hearts Month, dear Zombies!

I hope that by now, everyone is humming along and happily strutting to the beat of life after the pandemic. January felt a bit frenzied for me, and may I venture to say, for the board. From days of ZOOM, it was suddenly out there and be there. Meetings were tougher to set. Planning was done best effort via Viber chats and late-night PM-ing. A few senior moments here and there but somehow, we managed.

There was still a coming together. We managed our first contest in January with a whopping 72 entries. We sorted our 2023 handbook. We firmed up the year’s template. The committees and their respective heads worked in harmony in welcoming the New Year and crafting the year to be. As a one-month-old president, I am grateful for our 2023 hardworking board members and committee members. WE ARE THRILLED FOR WHAT IS TO COME – and hope you all will be too.

This quarter is looking quite packed. FEBRUARY 18 will be ZPLACES’s first photo walk. Our aim, to shoot for the month of March theme ‘Photojourn: COMMUTE.’ We start the day with a sunrise shoot (baul adding activity :)) led by Billy Palatino.

We then walk with leader Mac Omega around Alabang bus terminal, train tracks and pedestrian walkways to learn and capture for our coming theme.

March, we have twin big events. Please save the dates for our BAGUIO OTS, March 16-20 and our 45TH ANNIVERSARY, March 25, Saturday.

Mike Olivares, Billy Palatino, Kevin Lopez, Mac Omega, and I are firming up the BAGUIO itinerary. We will share details soonest so you can all plan your trip. We want to note, for first timers joining a ZVCC OTS, fear not, and worry not, ok? We, the board, the Z Places team, are here for you. A text or a call away for any queries.

Arlene Donaire, fondly called ‘Mommy Arlene’ by many, is our project head for the 45TH Anniversary. The wheels are turning on this as well. Together with our VP and head of COMMUNICATIONS, Leys Masangcay, we will roll out special event information within the month.

Yes, yes, back-to-back events so do strap in and join the ride with us.

Excited yet?

We are holding true to our earlier promise of more face-to-face meet ups. We are maneuvering a golf event, fingers crossed. We have Bern Wong, Jeff Dytuco, Argyle Camacho, Danny Yu and Marlo Roxas helming this.

Contest committee is also doing the numbers on holding face to face meetings. Wouldn’t it be interesting to see our work printed once more? With live judges? These are on the table, and we are working our darndest to making these a reality.

On to month two, we have a record 82 entries submitted for FEBRUARY contest. That’s simply wow. I want to thank all of you, the members, for your being here. For submitting and joining the meetings. We appreciate it. We are cognizant of life returning to pre-pandemic pace for most, yet you check in – either via the chat group or our FB page.

ZVCC is still abuzz at 45 years. You are all making this happen.

So, salamat! Maraming, maraming salamat!

Walang iwanan! Let’s strut 2023 happily, together.

Yours truly,