Thou Shalt Covet a ZVCC Trophy

By Leys Masangcay

Trophies have always been symbols of accomplishments. We see athletes, artists, and other gifted individuals that once they are awarded their golden statuette, they can’t help but rejoice and lift it high up in the air with megawatt smiles that could light up an entire city. You get a natural high by having a trophy, after all it is a celebration of one’s success. Hence, coveting a trophy is but natural. However, coveting a beautiful and well-designed trophy is another level.

Such is the case for the much desired 2023 monthly trophies at Zone V Camera Club (ZVCC). It has been wildly anticipated as to how the trophies for the year would look like. This year as in the last, Bern Wong is again tapped to design the trophies at ZVCC. The trophies have been revealed during the January Club Zoom meeting, but we thought that the trophy conceptualization, development, up until its production be shared to members. The process which Bern underwent took much time and thought, borne out of love for the Club and its future recipients – the members of ZVCC.

“The idea for this year’s trophy is derived from the concept of unwrapping a box (or a gift).” Bern shared during the Zoom meeting. Bern started putting to life her idea by creating a mock-up using a cardboard that would resemble a top view of a box being unwrapped.

“The box is a metaphor of ourselves. Opening up our minds to new ideas can unleash our potential and creativity.” Bern said, “It is also a metaphor for what the past three years have been. Being locked-in. So in 2023, we go out of our boxes (our homes, our comfort levels) to exhale, engage enjoy!” Bern explained.

Above is the blueprint of the 2023 ZVCC trophies, made up of two sturdy metal plates.

Exhale, engage, enjoy are the fun  and relaxing mantra and feeling we aim for the year at ZVCC (while Expand, Explore, Evolve remains as our direction). This is in line with having fun while we shoot and we shoot to have fun as a Club. As we are expected to be shooting outdoors, we get to experience nature more, hence the trophy colors reveals the different hue of nature.

For the third place, the trophy is inspired by the flora we see around, hence, the color assigned is magenta.

The second place trophy gets its color inspiration from the blue skies and blue waters around us.

And for the first place, the sun king takes the center stage, as sunshine yellow is evidently seen.

These trophies are certainly covetable pieces of art themselves and a worthy prize for the artistry of ZVCC members put in for their work.

Are you ready to collect them all? Submit your February photo entries now and have a piece of this priceless work proudly displayed on your shelf.


Jeff Dytuco & Wille De Vera for the photos of the 2023 trophies