Meet The New Probees At ZVCC

We welcome the six new probationary members (probees) at Zone V Camera Club starting this February 2022.


Brian is a project manager with RingCentral, a business communications company.

Photography has always been his interest along with mountaineering.  He loves capturing the beauty of the world in all its sizes and colors.

He is a hobbyist for 12 years now; he shoots with his Nikon & Fuji systems and has once won a contest that rewarded him with a travel to Barcelona!

He joined ZVCC because as an artist, he wants to elevate his photography skills so he can express his personality, show his creative ideas, inspire others, and share to people on how he sees the world. Photography is a true passion for him. At the same time, he wants to help others by contributing in the club’s community service activities.

I met him back in Sept 2019 when I was looking for someone, who makes customized padded camera containers for my suitcase and backpack, that I would use in Indonesia. I saw his products (labelled BACON – Brian Agana concept; it made me intrigued) being endorsed by a close friend. We met, he delivered, I was happy. And, he made his products so well that when I fell face down a month after, under the Madakaripura Water Falls in East Java, I was totally drenched but, my cameras & lenses remained dry & safe!

by Arlene Donaire


For Roy, photography played second fiddle to the other caps he wears in his everyday: swimming parent/dad, family trip chronicler, and business owner and entrepreneur. He laments how his camera is always with him but hardly finds time to make an appearance.

An Industrial Engineer graduate (DLSU) who spends most of his time wrestling with numbers, systems, operations and perusing contracts and reports, Roy feels a change coming. By taking the leap and joining ZVCC, he hopes to put photography more front and center. Roy says, “I will need to be more creative and use colors, shape, shadows … this will put my other side of the brain to good use”.

Interesting trivia, Roy, 98 percent of the time wears only black, gray and white with a hint of blue. Nothing else. Perhaps after some time with ZVCC, we can see Roy in more “color”. When asked where he sees his photography in a year, his reply: “I see myself a happier person taking decent photos in 5 years”.

I believe that Roy will achieve this dream way before the 5-year mark. His eagerness to learn, openness to adventure and his positivity will take him places. Welcome to Zone V Camera Club, Roy! We look forward to journeying with you in ZVCC!

by Angela Enrile Panlilio


I would like to introduce my partner, Ms. Fria Day Delfin. We met in 2017 and have been dating since then. Although I wasn’t in Zone V yet. My Dad was already a member and I was familiar with the club’s members and activities as I used to join my Dad in some of the Club’s out-of-town and out-of-country shoots. The stories about those excursions were some of my talking points to Day and she was very interested in learning more about the club.

Day was flying for Saudi Arabian Airlines as a flight attendant at that time. But when she was in town, she and I joined my Dad if there were Club meetings at the Old Swiss Inn; we even joined the OTS if the schedule permitted. There I introduced her first hand to what the club was about and she appreciated all that she saw as well as the hospitality of the members.

Little by little I taught Day how to handle a camera and soon enough she was shooting beside me at the La Union OTS last 2019.This year, she has formally joined the club as one of the newest

by Jed Santos


I met Guido through common friends and mentors in the creative  industry: Alfred Mendoza, Henry Posadas and Emilio Esguerra, around 2007-08.  Together we were able to work  in various projects like weddings, corporate events and commercial projects.

Guido is an exceptional photographer and I would not hesitate recommending him to my friends for his consistency and eye of capturing beautiful images that a client needs.  It is also because of this keen eye that He has won a number of International and local photo contests.

He works full time as an IT professional  for the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and is one of the most technical and OC persons I know. Whenever we touch base we would exchange information on new gear and techniques on photography and or even give each other leads for  jobs.

Guido has a family and  I had the privilege to meet his wife Rach and hopefully in the  near future, I can also meet his beautiful daughter Lucia so our kids can play together.

As far as I know He was introduced to the club by another Zone V member, Jorem Catilo in early 2000.   I’m glad that finally, after all these years, he has finally decided to seriously pursue being a member of our club.   Let us welcome Angelo “Guido” Jacinto.

by Ian Santos


Mac is a construction engineer during weekdays and a serious hobbyist photographer on weekends. He moves around with his bike and mostly shoots street, landscapes, and birds.

He is a prolific and diligent shooter because he considers photography as his stress reliever from work. He shoots with his Nikon system.

His name is quite well-known in the “kontesero” community, mainly because he is a regular winner! Over the years, he has won several awards. His very first – one of the Top 10 finalists in the 2014 Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk. His latest award, last year, he won 1st place in the Huawei Mobile Spot Harmony Photo Contest.

He joined Zone V because he believes that he still has plenty to learn about photography and he hopes that the club can become his classroom while also gaining new friends.

I met him in one of my sunrise shoots in Muntinlupa. It was a very easy and pleasant connection because we had already known each other in FB. It was nice to finally meet this guy, who rocked his way through the photography community from anonymity by winning contests left and right, up and down, including one of the MOA Pyro Festival photo contests!

by Arlene Donaire


Josh Vera is my first cousin, ten years younger than I am so I’m very much his Ate. We are quite close since we are neighbors. During a trip to the United States back in 2005, I started using a digital camera in earnest and he was one of my first models. During various other trips, he would borrow my SLR and would also try to take photographs. He started getting good shots, and his parents bought him his own DSLR in 2013.

Josh’s photographic early chops were earned through covering various school events both in high school and college.  While studying college at ADMU, Josh was in charge of Documentation for performances of the Ateneo Blue Repertory and the Company of Ateneo Dancers. In 2016, he became a staff photographer for one of Ateneo’s Official Publications, the Guidon.

Josh is currently working as a Senior Advisory Analyst at Nasdaq, where he started a photography club and is currently spearheading their club’s photo workshops project.

Josh loves to travel, something he has done since he was a child. He enjoys photographing whatever catches his eye during his travels. But one thing he has never experienced is traveling with fellow photographers. Josh is looking forward to his first-ever photo safari with the Club once travel restrictions ease up.

Welcome to Zone V, Josh!

– by Keisie Marfil


Ms. Corinne Blanco for compiling and helping build this article.