Manny De Vera

I met Manny through our network in the Philippine Harvard Alumni community; we are both graduates of the university’s Kennedy School of Government, so we share interests in Philippine development and governance. Manny is currently Executive Director at AIM’s TeaM Energy Center for Bridging Leadership. It was during a mutual friend’s birthday dinner last November, that I learned, we also shared the same interest in travel and photography. I learned that he attended the FPPF Basic Photography Workshop in 2013 and wanted to find a venue for practicing what he learned. Right then and there, I invited him to join Zone V, knowing that our group would be able to give him a conducive platform.

Manny’s interest in photography started in 2003 after buying prints of the UK’s landscapes with his first visit to the country. Since then, he has become a hobbyist photographer from his many travels, particularly from his recent experience of living in the UK for the past 3 years. Manny would love to revisit Italy and head to Matera as he is fascinated with heritage sites as subjects for photography. Being an urban researcher, he has also taken a keen interest in document and urban photography. Joining a photography club such as Zone V is Manny’s goal to be part of a group, that shares his interest in photography and to learn from the country’s best photographers. Manny describes himself as sociable, adaptable and practical.