Jian Choa

Z Academy, the club’s e-learning platform for its members, kicked off with a bang, last 7th January, with the first of the year’s series of seminars. Zone V thanks Victor “Vic” Sison, one of the Club’s distinguished professional members, for sharing his expertise on the topic “Elements of Composition.” Vic, who excels in both film and digital photography and teaches at the FPPF, is also a visual artist (painter). His mastery and experience in these fields, summarized into simplified tips and photo examples, were shared and to the more than 30 club members, who logged in for the virtual classroom session.

The Z Academy is only one of the novel and exciting projects lined up by the Club to make 2021 a challenging, engaging, and fruitful year for the members. It will be held every 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month for the entire year. Covering both fundamental and advanced topics in photography, Z Academy’s end-goal is to give the members added tools for growth in photography skills and knowledge. Presenters lined up for the e-seminars are local and international photographers, who are specialists in various genres. Next seminar on January 21st will showcase an internationally renowned photographer Rarindra Prakarsa, who will share his basic techniques to create cinematic photographs.