Project Description

Member Profile

Jimmy Ngo

Member since 2018

Jimmy varied business interests in fruit distribution, cold storage warehousing, and telecommunications contracting. He loves to travel and capture memories from his experiences mainly using his mobile phone. But now that he has transitioned to mirrorless gear, Jimmy has found renewed interest in travel and landscape, and, food photography since he loves to cook. His wish is to capture an awe inspiring photo of the Aurora Borealis, which he had witnessed before but was unable to shoot well enough. His adage in life: “If your dream doesn’t scare you, it ain’t big enough” also applies to his aspirations in photography. As in any other aspect of life, Jimmy believes that it will take years of practice to be really proficient in photography, including post processing, but he is patiently working on it, especially after he realized that Zone V members take photography seriously, with equal enthusiasm, dedication, and effort.