- Please tell us about yourself: your family, your work, your hobbies and other interests.
Hi! My name is Joui Sampedro. I’m the youngest in the family and the current youngest member of the Zone V family! I’m an all-around artist—a jack of all trades, one might say. I’m currently working as a data analyst for a US-based company. It’s not exactly what I want to do in life, but it helps make ends meet and funds my passion. I love to dance and perform on stage, my first love at 5 years old. Started with ballet, now I’m a current member and the ‘creatives’ head of one of the Philippines’ top teams, ‘The Alliance’. I also love music and filmmaking, hoping to make it big one day as a creative director in the music industry. In my spare time, I play sports like volleyball and basketball to keep me active.
- Share with us some thoughts on your ZVCC Probee experience.
It was a crazy journey, for sure! The past year has been incredibly busy for me. I had to juggle work, life, dance, and my probee duties. As enjoyable as it was to be a probee, I wanted to become a member as soon as I could, so I made sure to adhere to all the regulations! In a day, my schedules would clash, and I didn’t have a choice. Some of my crazy experiences happened during our dance team’s concert season. We had a whole-day rehearsal the same day as one of the club’s meetings. I had to leave our rehearsals midway to rush all the way to Makati, only to come back after. Then my most memorable one was during the Pampanga OTS! With dance training and ‘creatives’ work, I wasn’t able to find a way to leave the city. Our rehearsals ended past 2 a.m. I literally only headed home to shower, work a bit, and pack my bag, then I went straight to the bus terminal. I didn’t know how to go there; I didn’t know what I would do. I just winged it! When I got back to Manila, I had to head straight to training again. I only slept along the way and a few minutes before training. Crazy times, but it was worth it because I ended up getting 5th place for my photo!
A little special mention to my favorite probee task: putting up the photos and entries on the board! It’s tiring, but so much fun to do!!! I’d love to do it again, even if I’m not a probee anymore.
- If you were given a chance to spend one day with a famous personality (living or dead), who would that person be and why?
Hoshi of SEVENTEEN! He’s one of the most hardworking people that I know. I clung to him and the whole group during the pandemic. They’re the reason why I gave dance another try. We actually have so much in common. I feel like we’d bond over the same amount of passion that we have for our craft. Not to mention that he’s just like me—an introvert who becomes an extrovert with the right people! We’d end up being the loudest in the room. If given the chance, I want to thank him for everything that he and his team have done for me. They’ve given life to my art and have helped me so much.
- What is your favorite thing about yourself?
I’ve been described as hardworking. Right after one concert, someone commented on how he saw me work extremely hard to do everything right. I’m working on self-love right now, and I believe that one of the most important things that I need to do is accept the fact that there are things to love about myself, and being a hard worker is one of those things. I’m the kind of person who will literally go to the ends of the world to accomplish something. I’d sacrifice even my health for something I’ve set my eyes on.
- What would you consider to be your greatest accomplishment so far?
I believe in butterfly effects. One small decision affects and changes everything in your life. I’d like to think my greatest accomplishment is staying alive and fighting for my life. Deciding to live another day and facing everything life and the universe throw at me. It may sound so simple and cheesy, but if not for that simple decision, I wouldn’t have accomplished everything else that I did.
- Would you rather be a jack-of-all trades or a master of one?
I already mentioned that I am a jack of all trades person. It’s easy for me to learn things. I actually do almost everything: sports, music, and arts. It eventually got to me, though. I realized that I am a master of none. I can do it all, but I’m mediocre at best. That’s where my imposter syndrome comes in. But now I’ve learned to accept that this is who I am! It’s not ideal for an artist, but it’s pretty fun. I like that I can do anything easily :)
- What would you sing at Karaoke night?
“Beer” by The Itchyworms. It’s such a vibe and definitely a go-to, staple song. You can never go wrong with beer. Pun may or may not be intended ;)