Treasured Recollections of Butch Cruz

by Rene Najera

Butch Cruz and I have a lot in common aside from our love for photography. We both took up architecture. Our birthdays are both in the month of April. Our shared hometown is up north in Pangasinan, why, even our hairlines have both gone further north at the same time!

Many of my fondest memories with Butch happened during our out of town trips and during Zone V Camera Club’s (ZVCC) Out-of-Town Shoots (OTS) . We usually conduct an ocular inspection of the location to arrange the transportation requirements, lodging and accommodations for members. Occasions like these became an opportunity for us to scout picturesque locations and the chance to shoot ahead of the rest.

There are so many more unforgettable exploits I’ve had with Butch, which may be best not shared in print, otherwise Nette and Nini may get a hold of this and read it! :)

The one trip Butch and I had that stands out was when we went to Calauit Island in Palawan as I celebrated my birthday there. On our way back, in the middle of the sea, it got pretty scary, as we thought the boat we were on got possessed by some dark spirit, because the boat tilted heavily on one side! It was so scary that we thought we won’t be able to get back home alive.

I also remember the first time I won Photographer of the Year, Butch came in a close second. We were both happy and proud of that moment.

Butch and his wife Nette would often invite me to their home during special family occasions. I also got the privilege to be invited to the Christmas Parties of Butch’s company, Bonnet Trading. It is during occasions like these that I feel treasured by Butch and the rest of his family.

Last year has been very challenging as I experienced health issues. I got Covid-19 and had to undergo three surgeries including brain tumor removal. I am grateful as Butch was one of the first to extend financial assistance for my medical bills, together with Manny Inumerable.

The final telephone exchange I had with Butch was last July 8. He could hardly speak and move so I talked to his wife Nette instead, although I can hear his weak voice in the background.

No more pain for you my friend. Chillax ka na. Have a great time with your parents in heaven. Rest well, and who knows, your busted Nikon camera which got soaking wet during our shoot in Enchanted Kingdom may work just fine there in paradise!

Editor’s note: The author, Rene Najera is a very close friend of Butch Cruz. He is a three-time Photographer of the Year at Zone V Camera Club.

The last day of the wake of Butch is Saturday, September 2. There will be a 6pm mass followed by eulogies at Arlington Memorial Chapels, Arlington Hall B/C.