One-on-One with JOSH VERA

Corinne Blanco, plays a big part of the Club’s Membership Committee, interviewed Zone V Camera Club’s newly inducted member, Josh Vera.

Let us welcome Josh and learn more about what goes on in his head, his experience as a probee, his accomplishments and other talents aside from photography.

Here’s the interview:

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I am Josh Vera. I joined ZVCC last January 2022—my cousin (Ate Keisie Marfil) introduced me to the club—she actually introduced me to photography way back when. I am an only child, though I do have 10+ cousins, so I wasn’t really alone when growing up.

I used to work for an American Stock Exchange company dealing with stock analysis, though recently I started working for the Philippine Department of Budget & Management. Aside from photography, I love traveling—Japan is my favorite country to travel to! I also enjoy films, music, and I really do love to read.

Share with us a little bit about your Probee Experience.

My Probee experience was challenging! I did most of my photography work during my university days and was practically the photographer for all my student organizations. Once I started working, the only time I could do photography was when I travelled.  So when the pandemic hit and traveling stopped, so did my photos. Happily enough, my cousin introduced me to the ZVCC and because of the monthly contests, I’ve really learned so much about the craft and how to improve outside traveling and university. I haven’t really been able to see the club members in person until recently, and I’m hoping to see them more in the future!

What type of movies and music do you enjoy?

I really enjoy the classic movies of the pre-2000’s. Star Wars, Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, Flash Gordon—my dad introduced me to these films and they’re something I can watch over and over—not a lot of my friends are into films from that era so it’s always great to talk with my dad about films—he showed me all the best ones!

For music, it’s something similar. I’m a classically trained pianist and violinist (at least, during my childhood!), and my love for music began with the film soundtracks of  John Williams—Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park (see how it comes back to film?). Though now I’m really into the Japan-based artist YOASOBI.

Do you have any other hobbies aside from photography?

I absolutely love reading. Whether it’s a novel, an article, or Wikipedia. It’s very difficult for me to stay still without reading something. There was a time I could read one book a day—though now I don’t really have the time for that.

What is the most memorable lesson you learned from your parents?

Kindness. As we all know, it ‘can go a long way’. And I wholeheartedly believe it. My mom always brings her kindness to wherever and whoever she meets, and that is something I am always inspired by. Kindness is something I aspire to do every day in my encounters with people, and with myself.

What would you consider to be your greatest accomplishment so far?

Graduating from university with Cum Laude honors. It’s something I am proud of and am happy to have made my parents proud as well. It was a challenging journey, but I learned so much and met so many people during my university days—truly my formative years.

If you could master one skill right now that you don’t currently have, what would it be?

Language. I love traveling, and it would be so amazing to be able to, at least on a basic level, effectively communicate while in the countries I visit—countries such as Japan and France especially! I would be able to travel to the real off-the-beaten-path locations with a better knowledge of the language (to get that ‘perfect’ shot’!)

What would you sing at Karaoke night?

High School Musical!

Welcome to The Club Josh! We can’t wait to hear you sing that song next time around while you play music on the piano!

All photos taken by Josh Vera