President’s Viewfinder

January 2023

by Angela E. Panlilio

Rise and shine, Zombies! Stretch those arms, yawn away the past years clinks and let’s wake up to a bright and “exhale-licious” 2023.

Am new to the job. My esteemed predecessor, Ms. Bern Wong, has set us all into a blazing path. I have much to upkeep and further blaze. I hope to do this with you all. Together. Our 2023 board of Ates and Kuyas will be here for you as well. To communicate. To connect. To create a tighter ZVCC family.

With Covid uncertainties dimming, it’s time to venture out. To smell the roses as the cliché goes.

More face-to-face catch ups. More shoulder-to-shoulder shooting and learning together. More of the camaraderie that we missed. That camaraderie that in many ways define ZVCC.

It’s a big-ticket year. We celebrate our 45th year birthday. Expect a fitting celebration to be orchestrated by our Special Events heads Arlene Donaire and Bern Wong.

They are cooking up other surprises, for an added suspense reveal later.

Above photo: Arlene Donaire, Special Projects and Monthly Program Committee Head, 2023 ZVCC Board of Director

A few refinements. For this year, Z Academy will still teach but this time, in tandem and built into the Z Places events. Less of the Zoom format, more of hands on. ZCup is also transitioning. Guided by ex-officios Ian Santos and Jen Perez, Ruben Castor Ranin and Tony Rivera will now helm our contest proceedings.

Above photo: Ruben Castor Ranin, Contest Committee Head, 2023 Board of Director

The judges committee is now set apart from the contest committee. Ruben and Tony will hand off the baton to Mike Olivares and myself for the judges selection and critiquing. Yes, we are exploring other versions of how best to exhale, engage and enjoy.

Above photo: Mike Ollivares, Judges, ZAcademy & ZPlaces Committee Head, 2023 Board of Director

ZPlaces headed by Mike Olivares is joined by Billy Palatino, Kevin Roi, Mac Omega. They are lining up two local OTS for the year– Baguio in March and Iloilo in October. Adding to the mix, are at least two Photo Walks to shoot our March theme, COMMUTE, and July theme, PRIDE. Start clearing your calendars and dusting those cameras!

ZHub will be kept buzzing under the capable management of Ian Santos.

Above photo: Ian Santos, ZHub (website) Head, 2023 ZVCC Board of Director

Our Membership Mama, Armi Yam together with Corinne Blanco and Gov Danny Yu will once again watch over all of us, the members and probees.

Above photo: Armi Yam, Membership Committee Head, 2023 ZVCC Board of Director

Our ex- officio Bern Wong will continue to guide (thank you!) the ship, as well as keep our finances in check, as our Treasurer. Her team, Jeff Dytuco and Argyle Camacho.

Above photo: Bern Wong, 2023 ZVCC Treasurer & Ex-officio, 2023 ZVCC Board of Director

Last and (definitely) not the least, our vice president and secretary, Leys Masangcay, together with Master Willie de Vera will keep the communication going. They will be our voice. In many ways, that link that keeps us together.

Top photo: Leys Masangcay, 2023 ZVCC Vice-President / Secretary; Above photo: Willie De Vera; both are 2023 ZVCC Board of Directors and co-chairs for the ZVCC Communications Team.

Already you see many names in this message. We welcome more. If you have the time, come join one or more of the committees. Open door, ok? Message away and know that we, in the board, will always be here to welcome.

EXHALE. ENGAGE. ENJOY is our tune for this year… while not forgetting to EXPAND, EXPLORE, EVOLVE. Seems a heapful but promise, we will aim to keep it light. Fun.

This is it for now. I just really wanted to welcome everyone back.

From where I sit, it’s looking like a luminous year ahead.

Hand in hand, tara, let’s?!

Yours truly,


Willie de Vera for the portrait of the 2023 ZVCC Officers and Board of Directors