Meet Our New Probee: Cenen “HAPPY” Milan

by Arlene Donaire

Our paths crossed way back in 2014. We were then both volunteers in an outreach mission of Juan Portrait (NGO) at an elementary school in Porac, Pampanga. I was photographing kids for their school IDs, and he was doing toy distribution.

Cenen Milan or Happy used to be a teacher and runs long-distance for social advocacies. He once ran from Manila to Davao and Zamboanga City to raise 2 million books, which were eventually donated to schools nationwide. He is a professional development advocate, specializing in disaster risk reduction management. He has been a humanitarian worker for 20 years now, working with De La Salle Zobel School, Philippine Business for Social Progress, World Vision, Virlanie Foundation, and now, Ayala Foundation. Part of his work in these organizations was documenting, via words and images, the DRRM activities in any disaster assignment.

In all twenty years of working in disaster response, Happy says he had seen many inspiring stories of the Filipinos’ hope, resilience, and perseverance. He is interested in photography because he would like to be a visual storyteller of his humanitarian work experience, creating visual narratives to be shared to the world. He is inclined to learn the genres of Portrait, Landscape and Street Photography and gets inspiration from friends in Juan Portrait whose photography he has become accustomed to following. By these 3 genres of Photography.

Above photo taken by Happy Milan

Happy’s photography interest started when he was still in the Paulinian formation house.

“Our priest–teacher at that time challenged us that we have to adopt to the sign of the times and to be more relevant, one has to be a storyteller in any medium, that can inspire others.”

From this lesson, Happy realized that he wanted to take up photography to inspire others and that being part of the humanitarian sector can make a big difference in any community.

“Through my Photography, I aspire to teach more minds, touch hearts, and transform the lives of others.”

In Happy’s bucket list, he includes:

“To learn more about photography with the Zone V Camera Club; pass the probationary period and win as a photographer of the year; and launch my “Happytography” website/page, which will depict my journey in photography. In the long-term, I would like to hold my photo exhibit-for-a-cause, put up my Humanitarian Sector Studio, which aims to help NGOs and NGO Partners in their communication and documentation, and become a photography teacher. My lawyering, soon, will be used to fund all of these.  😊”

When Happy contacted me a month ago to sign up with Zone V, I knew instantly he’d be a great addition to our community, so I readily agreed to endorse him. His enthusiasm to learn more and eventually integrate three items in his priority map– photography, humanitarian work, and becoming a lawyer, was refreshing and inspiring at same time. He is currently on leave from work as he prepares to take the 2023 bar exams.

We wish you the best on your photography journey Happy; welcome to your new home!