Service through the art of photography

By Angelo Amistoso

It was in December 2021 when Bern Wong, Zone V Camera Club President, was first approached by Sari Ortiga, CEO of Crucible Gallery, on the possibility of her photos to be displayed permanently on the walls of the still under construction 11-storey University of the Philippines College of Medicine (UPCM), Henry Sy Sr. Hall in UP Manila. Sari Ortiga broached this idea to Bern as Sari was commissioned to execute a mural for the UPCM.

Bern had a meeting last April with Dr. Rody Sy, the President and Chairman of the University of the Philippines Medical Alumni Foundation Inc. (UPMAFI) and she pushed the idea that the work of the members of the Zone V Camera Club be featured altogether in this modern and state-of-the-art learning institution, instead of just Bern’s work and a handful other artists.

Photo above: taken during the April 26, 2022 meeting at the Gloriamaris between ZVCC, UPMAFI and Crucible Gallery. Seated L-R: Leys Masangcay, Dr. Rody Sy and Bern Wong; Standing L-R: Sari Ortiga and Ruben Castor Ranin)

One fruitful talk led to another until the principal parties – Zone V Camera Club (ZVCC), UPMAFI and Crucible Gallery agreed to  undertake a collaborative project, aptly titled “LINGKOD LARAWAN”, which espouses service through the art of photography.

In this joint project, Crucible Gallery curated the submitted images and shouldered the cost of printing. They also took care of the groupings and layout plus the installation of the framed photographs. ZVCC members for its part donated images for this noble project. No monetary exchange for the donated images but the rare honor of having one’s photograph permanently hung on the hallowed walls of a new edifice of a prestigious medical institution.

And so last July 9, 2022, about 20 members of the Zone V Camera Club attended the unveiling of images at the UP College of Medicine. There were a total of 85 images on display at the second floor up to the seventh floor. The images depict scenes in the Philippines, which showcase the country’s heritage, culture, landscape and its people. The seventh floor, where the main function hall is located also reveals a number of UP Diliman photos.

After a short briefing, the various photographers went from floor to floor to sign their work while guests were all seen gushing as they admire the exquisite images on the walls. All photographs were specially printed on coated canvas by Strawberry Jam Creative Services Inc.

Dr. Rody Sy in his brief remark, thanked the artists for the gift of sharing their talents for a noble purpose. Meanwhile, Dr. Abner Chan, the UPCM, Secretary underscored the wonderful and therapeutic effects of the images to the viewers, perhaps to remind their medical students that there is “life” outside the campus.

Bern Wong, ZVCC President, in her response, expressed the Club’s heartfelt  gratitude  for the rare opportunity of having the Club member’s images adorn  the walls of  their new educational edifice.

The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding then ensued to formalize the gift of Zone V Camera Club to the UPCM, while the UPMAFI and UPCM attests to the care of the images bestowed upon them.

A recognition marker was presented to Zone V Camera Club, wherein all the donor photographers’ names are written as the marker serves as a testament to the generosity of ZVCC artists who took part in the Lingkod Larawan Project.

This is just the first phase of the Lingkod Larawan project as the 8th floor till the 11th floor of the building are still undergoing finishing construction work. This means that other Zone V members still has an opportunity to participate in the phase 2 of this worthy cause.

In closing, my heartfelt thanks and congratulations to our untiring Club President, Bern Wong for initiating the project  and leadership, your working crew included, and most specially, all the members who took part in this meaningful project.

Great job Zone V Camera Club. Lead on!