The President’s Viewfinder

January 2022
Bern Wong


Happy New Year!
I hope you all had wonderful holiday celebrations and was able to spend quality time with the people you care the most.


The New Year is always a fresh slate and a great time to learn from the past and enhance it further to have an equally exciting, and hopefully, a better year for us.

It is through your feedback and with the help of the Officers and Board that we have come up with a fun, creative, worthwhile and challenging direction for all of us at Zone V Camera Club in 2022.

The compass and battle cry for 2022 shall be to Expand, Explore, Evolve. We have based all our plans with this mantra in mind in order to attain and remain true to our Club Vision, which is – as Zone V as a Premier Club of Photographers.

I am therefore pleased to share with you some of the activities for the year.

What has been meticulously planned is to keep the members engaged, be it face to face or online,

continue to celebrate camaraderie,

level-up learning in the field of photography based on your requests and needs while inviting  high caliber resource speakers for our Z Academy talks,

and see new places as we shoot scenes together (health restrictions, permitting)

and contribute to society through our art.

Not to mention, our monthly photo contests too.

For the month of January alone, we have packed an exciting line-up.

Our contest theme is “Flowers & or Leaves”. The general meeting happens on January 13, via Zoom.

For 2022, Ian Santos is heading the Z Cup (Judges & Contest Committee). Ian has invited an interesting roster of judges. A revised scoring system will also take place.

On January 18, a Tuesday, will be our first Z Academy session

Angela Panlilio is the committee head for the Z Academy, and we foresee a highly motivating opening salvo for this session.

Also, mark and save the date on January 29 as we will be having our first photo walk.

Arlene Donaire is heading Let’s Z Places – Arlene is the Photo walk and OTS Committee Lead, along with External Contests.

Details on all these activities shall be relayed to you in the coming days.

Our wish is that more members can enjoy all these enjoyable and meaningful programs and our hope is for you to sign up early and sign up soon.

Sign-up details are seen in the poster above,

Armi Yam is heading the Membership Committee. Together with Armi, we shall be reaching out to you to join us and be active in 2022 so we can all share the fun and learnings from the planned events this year.

Again, on behalf of the 2022 Board,

I look forward to seeing you participate in our Club activities and I wish you a brighter and healthier 2022!

Group photo and individual portrait of the Board, taken by Willie De Vera