Tony Rivera

Tony is an entrepreneur. His company focuses on project Management Consultancy work. He untangles, and makes sense of big business busy-ness. That why as a probee, Tony manifested such superhero level organizing and technical skills. I predict a busy year ahead for Tony in Zone Five !
When not at work, Tony is a mega biker – in the past he’s ridden 190KM long rides. At times, alone. He’s broken bones before but he always gets back on the saddle… Riding to him is much like photography. A good mix. Option to be social yet perfectly alright when done alone. We shoot as group but capture on your own. You ride as group but navigate the road on your own. A mix that he enjoys. Like Mike, he is naturally introverted but can parteeeehhhh if need be.
Tony held his first SLR in Grade 6. His subjects, his model tanks. He was a film shooter til the early 2000. Shifted to Canon, then a Fuji when film supply ran short. I met Tony in his digital shooting phase. I am astounded at his understanding of the technicalities of this art. When we are out shooting and there’s this “panic, what do I do next with my settings etc” moment, Tony always comes to the rescue!
His images, are quiet, often in black and white. Portraiture and solidary street (if there is such a thing) seem to be his forte.
Tony is jack of many trades and yes, master of all. He will be a true gem to this ever evolving, transitioning club. Congratulations Tony! Welcome to Zone Five!
– By Angela Panlilio