Beyond Selfies
by Sheila Catilo

Zone V’s Z Academy has become a treasure trove of knowledge for members. The session last Feb. 18, 2021 was no exception. Entitled Beyond Selfies – tips on shooting for social media, the talk was given by our very own Sheila Catilo.

Given the types of topics in the past Z Academy seminars, the thought did cross my mind to skip this one. However, considering that we’re enveloped in a completely digital world where social media reigns supreme; I decided to attend just the same. And man, was I glad I did!

Like the masterful storyteller that she is, Sheila took the Zombies through a journey. Starting with the basics of what social media is and what people use it for, she then slowly eased us into the whys of social media; to connect, to share your work, to be inspired or simply access the community for support. Grounded on those fundamentals Sheila then spoke of the benefits and woes behind social media. Quickly shifting gears, she spoke about how to make good content; one that exhibits consistency, relevant and entertaining.

In her talk, Sheila reminded us not so much of the rules or technicalities of photography, but the reasons underpinning it. Tips like, when shooting – be clear with your intention, define your message (faithful to your brand), and then design the aesthetics – composition, lighting, mood, etc. These are well established guidelines and yet are drowned in the minutiae of shutter speeds, aperture, and inverse square law; or worse, which lens to use for which shot.

And since her talk was about social media Sheila did not fail to add pointers in this realm as well; to have the target platform in mind as you shoot; for example, square format for IG, to provide context to every shot. She shared proven methods in growing social media followers and debunked others. She gave us Zombies a fresh perspective and a reason to pick-up and dust off our stagnant social media feeds and start creating and sharing again.

Her parting shot: Choose your poison; be it Instagram, Facebook, Twitter. Whatever you choose – go out and tell your story and be an inspiration to someone.

Sheila Catilo is a lifestyle photographer and entrepreneur with a passion for visual storytelling. On a more personal note, Sheila was born in Imus, Cavite and is the proud mother to three wonderful daughters and a partner to a very supportive husband, Jorem Catilo, also a Zone V member. Thank you Sheila, for sharing your time and knowledge with us zombies

– By Tony Rivera